What Does Your Logo Say About Your Business?
“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, says it all in this brilliant quote. The face of your brand is your logo, and a successful logo can propel your business to new heights by instilling confidence in your brand. It’s then your […]
7 Rules to Boost Your Workplace’s Network Security
You already route your network through a secure colocation data centre. You’ve installed the latest antivirus software on your computers, and you’ve purchased your internet service from a reliable provider. However, even though you’ve laid the groundwork for a secure business network, it still faces hacker and virus threats because of employee error. Your employees […]
8 Features Your Point Of Sale (POS) Terminal Should Have.
The Point of Sale (POS) refers to the area of a store where customers can pay for their purchases. The term is normally used to describe systems that record financial transactions. This could be an electric cash register or an integrated computer system which records the data that comprises a business transaction for the sale […]
Building Your Own Business Website? 4 Mistakes to Avoid
Your website is the public face of your business, and it dramatically affects your credibility. A well-designed, informative website will leave a favourable (or at least a neutral) impression, but a poorly executed website drives customers away. If your website appears amateurish, outdated, and generally seems like an afterthought, people will make similar assumptions about […]
How to Choose a Video Surveillance System for Your Business
Security is imperative for any business; after all, how can you be profitable if you can’t protect your assets? Luckily, video surveillance systems are more intelligent and effective than ever. The best cameras now offer computer-like functions and features, like motion sensors and automatic mobile notifications. Some even let you automatically contact law enforcement instantly […]
5 Benefits Of Custom Software Solutions
Computer Software is traditionally divided into two categories: packaged or custom. Custom-made software is fully adapted to meet the needs of the buyer, in contrast to packaged software which is acquired off the shelf and has the same features for everyone. Through the years, companies have learned how packaged software products have fallen short when it […]
3 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Your Hard Disk Crashes
It isn’t uncommon for you to panic when your computer’s hard disk suddenly grinds to a halt. The cringing, whirling, creaking and clunking sounds coming from the hard drive might freak you out of composure but behold, do not let any of this push you into making any of these great mistakes that would put […]
3 Reasons Why Knowing Your Business Metrics Is Important
Most business owners rely on simple income-minus-expenditure to guess how well their business is doing, for others, it is how much money they have in their bank account and for the remaining, they simply do not care to measure progress at all. Below are three reasons why you should clearly define your business metrics and […]
Why Aren’t Customers Responding To Your Website?
When you’re designing a website for your business, you know that your potential clients make rational decisions. If almost all of them don’t like the way your website conveys its message, it’s not an “it’s not you, it’s me” or a “something just wasn’t there” situation — you’re doing something wrong! It’s time to figure out what to do […]